Reproductive health is front and centre for women, as can be seen by the large number of gynaecologists and fertility centres in urban India. For men, however, it’s quite a different story. Access is just one of a complex network of barriers, ranging from the lack of acceptance, the sense of shame associated with reproductive health, and the commonly-held equivalence of manhood to fatherhood.
The Raaz platform takes a doctor-led approach to treat sexual dysfunction and infertility among men, in India II and beyond. Co-founded by Akash Kumar, who has expertise in managing projects in rural India, as well as GTM models in Bharat, and Dr. Harshit Kukreja, who has extensive experience in healthcare policy and emergency, Raaz offers outcome-based, programmatic solutions further strengthened by consultation for greater compliance and high efficacy.
Addressing consumers in Bharat through a Hindi app piloted in Bihar and UP, and a WhatsApp-first model, Raaz aims to solve issues across erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and infertility in men.
The opportunity
Google search data tells us of the rise in terms like male infertility, tricks to cure ED, PE treatments, and ED Pills, as well as Hindi phrases like Dhat syndrome, gupt rog, and lingam dosh. Healthcare platforms like Practo, too, report a heightened demand for sexual health consultation. Products like Shilajit and other performance enhancers are extremely popular purchases on e-commerce platforms and pharmacies.
All of these trends reflect the rapid growth of the men’s sexual health market, currently pegged at $1.4 Bn, but expected to more than double by 2030.
Reports suggest that almost 120 Mn Indian men face sexual dysfunction and 14 Mn suffer from infertility. In addition, more than 40% of men over 40 see a drop in testosterone levels. All of these are exacerbated by global phenomena like decreased sperm quality – dropped from 60mn/ml to 20mn/ml, unhealthier lifestyle choices, later marriages, and a range of medication-related side effects. What men end up doing is turning to quacks for help, which is neither effective, nor inexpensive.
The gap
No single Indian brand focuses on vernacular India, let alone on the specific need of men’s fertility. This points out to a massive opportunity – a one-stop platform solving sexual and reproductive issues for men. Products alone are not a complete solution, as they need to be combined with hyperpersonalisation, whether in dosage of medication, addition of nutraceuticals and supplements, and supportive lifestyle changes.
Reproductive health consumers have been underserved for years, and their desperation for a solution has led them to take desperate steps. Relying on hearsay and rumour, and travelling great distances to get their hands on medication, they end up overusing drugs like Viagra. The so-called solutions also end up taking a large share of wallet, as the starting of a family is an important social and emotional cue. Instead of giving them relief, they end up leading them to a hospital bed.
The offering
Raaz breaks through the fuzzy claims and ineffectual products that are most commonly found in this space with its doctor-led approach. Unlike other brands that focus on improving sexual performance or enhancing pleasure, it uses technology to get to the root cause of the problem, and addresses it through a customised program that delivers efficacy and encourages compliance by building a healthy doctor-patient relationship.
Their digital clinic model is low-cost and scalable. The platform democratises access and awareness, and can connect thousands and millions of men in need with credible doctors.
What Raaz is building is a sexual health platform offering safe, effective, science-backed treatment, and care-first solutions. Treatment is personalised, and all conversations are empathetic and non-judgmental. Deploying doctor-prescribed protocols which use medication like Tadalafil and Dapoxetine in the correct dosage, alongside OTC supplements, Raaz gives its users in Bharat the best available solution for their concerns. These users are comfortable with digital consumption, and regional language-first communication gives them familiarity and relatability.
At Fireside Ventures, we believe that better healthcare is a prime need in a country of 1.4 billion. The tragedy of men’s sexual health being an underserved area is one that needs to be corrected. Raaz is disrupting this taboo category by helping men get the medical help they need, while maintaining discretion, and providing efficacy.
Dr. Kukreja has spoken several times of the experience that planted the idea of Raaz: “One night in a Delhi hospital, I treated a young man who had attempted suicide due to marital issues caused by erectile dysfunction. His struggle, after spending his life savings on quacks and fake remedies, left me wondering how many men across Bharat silently grapple with similar challenges.” We’re thrilled to partner with Akash and Dr. Kukreja as they take empathetic, evidence-based digital health to millions of men, and transform their lives with efficacy and trust.
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